Sunday, August 21, 2011

Periodic Welfare Queen Reminder: Red States Need Socialism

Every once and again, statisticians produce reports showing which states provide the federal government with the most money, and which are the biggest recipients of federal welfare.

I decided that since the extremists are showing us how serious they are about running this country into the ground with their fears of socialism, they needed a polite reminder that they are the...

.................................................. EVER.
To prove this utterly simple point, I appended information about which presidential candidate carried each state, to the Tax Foundation's analysis of each state's federal taxes paid vs. federal taxes received (ie: a study about which states are the provider states and which are the welfare states). Note: Data is through 2005.

Surprise, surprise. Obama carried 18 out of 20 (90%) provider states, while McCain carried 20 out of 30 (67%) welfare states. Thus, proving my point. The people most paranoid about the size of the federal government and socialism are also the biggest welfare queens....... ever.

The Provider States:
  1. Georgia - McCain
  2. Washington - Obama
  3. North Carolina - Obama
  4. Colorado - Obama
  5. Ohio - Obama
  6. Oregon - Obama
  7. Massachusetts - Obama
  8. California - Obama
  9. Indiana - Obama
  10. Texas - McCain
  11. New York - Obama
  12. Wisconsin - Obama
  13. Minnesota - Obama
  14. Delaware - Obama
  15. Michigan - Obama
  16. Nevada - Obama
  17. Connecticut - Obama
  18. New Hampshire - Obama
  19. Illinois - Obama
  20. New Jersey - Obama
The Welfare States (look at all that red!):
  1. New Mexico - Obama
  2. Missippi - McCain
  3. North Dakota - McCain
  4. Virginia - Obama
  5. Montana - McCain
  6. West Virginia - McCain
  7. South Dakota - McCain
  8. Alabama - McCain
  9. Hawaii - Obama
  10. Missouri - McCain
  11. Arkansas - McCain
  12. Alaska - McCain
  13. Maine - Obama
  14. Kentucky - McCain
  15. Louisiana - McCain
  16. South Carolina - McCain
  17. Maryland - Obama -------- uh oh, are we too dependent on federal jobs?
  18. Oklahoma - McCain
  19. Idaho - McCain
  20. Utah - McCain
  21. Arizona - McCain
  22. Tennessee - McCain
  23. Nebraska - McCain
  24. Kansas - McCain
  25. Rhode Island - Obama
  26. Iowa - Obama
  27. Florida - Obama
  28. Wyoming - McCain
  29. Vermont - Obama
  30. Pennsylvania - Obama
*see more about the term "welfare queen"

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