Friday, February 17, 2012

GOP PUSHBACK GROWS // Grassroots Effort Launches: Maryland Republicans for Marriage Equality

Maryland Republicans are beginning to push back against the anti-LGBT sentiment within their own party. This week, three Republican lawmakers also announced support for the effort: State Senator Allan Kittleman and Delegates Bob Costa & Wade Kach. A reader also forwards us news of a Facebook group of Maryland Republicans for Marriage Equality:
About: Maryland Republicans who support same sex marriage - a human issue, not a partisan one.

Mission: We represent the growing number of Republicans who support marriage equality.

We are for getting government out of people's personal lives.

We believe that our party can be pro-family and pro-marriage without being pro-discrimination.

We believe that religious institutions should be protected from government interference.

We abide by Reagan's 11th commandment and believe in working with Republicans in supporting equality, not against them.

We are a grassroots organization are not funded or associated with any outside groups.

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