Wednesday, March 21, 2012

CD6: "Free State Patriots" Endorse Joe Krysztoforski for Congress // No Tea Party Love for Roscoe Bartlett?


“Free State Patriots” Endorses Krysztoforski for 
US Congress in Maryland 06

Free State Patriots, a state-wide non-partisan group in Maryland, announces its endorsement of Joe Krysztoforski, candidate for US Congress in Maryland cd 06.   His name will appear on the Republican primary ballot in the elections to be held on April 3, 2012.  This endorsement was made after an inclusive, consensus vetting process based on the group's stated commitment to the principles of liberty and limited government as set forth in the US constitution.

The Free State Patriots vetting process initially qualified candidates to participate by requiring their submitting a standard application and questionnaire form, specifying the candidate's position on such matters as deficit spending, welfare entitlements, foreign affairs, and immigration policy.  On March 3, 2012, a public forum was held in Brunswick, MD to personally question candidates on these various issues.   A video and audio recording was made of this forum and selected portions placed on the FSP website for public review and comment.   Video clip of Joe Krysztoforski is at:

Based on this review, it was determined that Joe Krysztoforski should be endorsed for this seat in the US congress.  Lee Havis, group organizer and forum moderator, stated that “Joe showed an impressive clarity and understanding of each issue we addressed, especially on the need for leadership to reduce deficit spending. His background as a long-time businessman, having created thousands of stable jobs in Maryland, will equip him well for making wise judgments to help assure a successful free market economy.  Joe showed a clear and confident manner of delivery, which, coupled with his energetic involvement in the current campaign, will draw many voters to support his candidacy.   In the US congress, I am confident he will demonstrate strong and wise leadership for our shared principles of liberty and limited, constitutional government.”

Free State Patriots has been vetting candidates for all national offices in Maryland, with forums held or scheduled in districts 02, 03, 04, 05, and for US Senate before the April 3, 2012 primary elections.  The general public is invited to attend these forums and inspect and comment on all candidate data, including audio and video recordings, at the group's website:


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