BACKGROUND: Maryland Juice has come to a few obvious conclusions about this November's Presidential Election. First, in Maryland, Obama will clearly trounce Republican nominee Mitt Romney. Second, it appears as though none of the GOP congressional nominees (including Rep. Roscoe Bartlett) will be competitive against their Democratic opponents. Lastly, I fully expect U.S. Senator Ben Cardin to handily defeat Republican challenger Dan Bongino. What does this all mean?
HOW WE WIN IN NOVEMBER: Our best chances at defending the Dream Act & Marriage Equality are if we create an informal messaging "slate" or ticket with the most popular item on the ballot -- President Barack Obama. Overnight, his endorsement of marriage equality took the proposition from 50-50 toss-up to a clear 57% lead for civil rights advocates. This week Obama also single-handedly stood up for young immigrants by halting the deportation of Dream Act students.
Of course, we need to engage in all of the normal campaign activities (ie: phone banks, canvassing, social networking, media attention, etc). But most Democrats in November will be turning out for the President. So one more thing Democrats can do to further the cause, is to make sure Obama voters don't skip the bottom of the ballot. We need to make clear to the world that we are united in defense of: 1) Obama, 2) the Dream Act, and 3) Marriage Equality.
A LIMITED RUN OF $4 MARYLAND LAWNSIGNS: Maryland Juice (as an independent expenditure of David Moon) has produced a limited number of lawnsigns to kick-off this united social justice effort. Because I want to keep this project within the guidelines of the FEC's "independent expenditure" rules, I am asking folks to pitch in exactly what these signs cost me - four dollars (including the metal wires).
SIGN-UP NOW: INTERESTED IN A SIGN? - Sign up on the form below, if you're interested in acquiring one or more of these Maryland-specific Obama signs. I'll be back in touch with interested folks after I devise a delivery system. Note: I encourage requests from clubs and individuals who are able to distribute larger numbers of signs, or who are able to deliver signs to key neighborhoods.
NOTE: YOU CAN GO ROGUE, TOO: If anyone wants to piggy-back on this project and print their own signs (or even a modified version of these signs), let me know: I can simply put you in touch with my lawnsign vendor and you can go rogue, too! You may even be able to get a better price than me if you're able to do larger quantities. I had to stay under the independent expenditure limits for an individual.
Because Maryland is not a swing-state, I do not expect the Obama campaign to be handing out free lawnsigns for the President in our area. In fact, at the store, purchasing a simple Obama-Biden lawnsign costs $20:
A BRIEF TANGENT: MD GOP CUTS OFF NOSE TO SPITE FACE: Maryland Juice has been urging the Republicans to at least try and put up a fight, but they don't seem interested in winning elections anymore. Instead of ending their use of hateful wedge issues, they've fully swallowed the Tea Party's Kool Aid. Under the direction of GOP party chair Alex Mooney and the House & Senate's Republican leaders, the so-called "opposition party" in Maryland has decided their best "strategy" is to demonize immigrants and gay & lesbian families.
Last year, Alex Mooney suggested this would fire up the (fringe) base of the party. But it seems clear to me that this will also make it near-impossible for the GOP to win statewide elections now and in the future. After all, who cares about the Republican fiscal message, when the GOP seems far more interested in obstructing civil rights and furthering America's long history of hating on immigrants during recessions. So how do we win against the haters? By sticking together.
The only real races in Maryland will be our statewide referenda:
1) Dream Act & 2) Marriage Equality.
HOW WE WIN IN NOVEMBER: Our best chances at defending the Dream Act & Marriage Equality are if we create an informal messaging "slate" or ticket with the most popular item on the ballot -- President Barack Obama. Overnight, his endorsement of marriage equality took the proposition from 50-50 toss-up to a clear 57% lead for civil rights advocates. This week Obama also single-handedly stood up for young immigrants by halting the deportation of Dream Act students.
Of course, we need to engage in all of the normal campaign activities (ie: phone banks, canvassing, social networking, media attention, etc). But most Democrats in November will be turning out for the President. So one more thing Democrats can do to further the cause, is to make sure Obama voters don't skip the bottom of the ballot. We need to make clear to the world that we are united in defense of: 1) Obama, 2) the Dream Act, and 3) Marriage Equality.
A LIMITED RUN OF $4 MARYLAND LAWNSIGNS: Maryland Juice (as an independent expenditure of David Moon) has produced a limited number of lawnsigns to kick-off this united social justice effort. Because I want to keep this project within the guidelines of the FEC's "independent expenditure" rules, I am asking folks to pitch in exactly what these signs cost me - four dollars (including the metal wires).
GO ROGUE: For $4 you can get one of these kick-ass Maryland-specific Obama lawnsigns! |
SIGN-UP NOW: INTERESTED IN A SIGN? - Sign up on the form below, if you're interested in acquiring one or more of these Maryland-specific Obama signs. I'll be back in touch with interested folks after I devise a delivery system. Note: I encourage requests from clubs and individuals who are able to distribute larger numbers of signs, or who are able to deliver signs to key neighborhoods.
NOTE: YOU CAN GO ROGUE, TOO: If anyone wants to piggy-back on this project and print their own signs (or even a modified version of these signs), let me know: I can simply put you in touch with my lawnsign vendor and you can go rogue, too! You may even be able to get a better price than me if you're able to do larger quantities. I had to stay under the independent expenditure limits for an individual.
Because Maryland is not a swing-state, I do not expect the Obama campaign to be handing out free lawnsigns for the President in our area. In fact, at the store, purchasing a simple Obama-Biden lawnsign costs $20:
A BRIEF TANGENT: MD GOP CUTS OFF NOSE TO SPITE FACE: Maryland Juice has been urging the Republicans to at least try and put up a fight, but they don't seem interested in winning elections anymore. Instead of ending their use of hateful wedge issues, they've fully swallowed the Tea Party's Kool Aid. Under the direction of GOP party chair Alex Mooney and the House & Senate's Republican leaders, the so-called "opposition party" in Maryland has decided their best "strategy" is to demonize immigrants and gay & lesbian families.
Last year, Alex Mooney suggested this would fire up the (fringe) base of the party. But it seems clear to me that this will also make it near-impossible for the GOP to win statewide elections now and in the future. After all, who cares about the Republican fiscal message, when the GOP seems far more interested in obstructing civil rights and furthering America's long history of hating on immigrants during recessions. So how do we win against the haters? By sticking together.
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