The battle for U.S. Senate in Maryland is beginning to heat up, but new polls indicate the real fight appears to be for second place. Incumbent Democrat Ben Cardin is way ahead in the polls, but independent Rob Sobhani and Republican challenger Dan Bongino are currently tied for second.
Today Maryland Juice received campaign ads from both Rob Sobhani and Dan Bongino. You can see both ads below, along with an update on whether Rob Sobhani will be invited to debates with his GOP and Democratic competitors.
U.S. SENATE AD #1: ROB SOBHANI TARGETS MOCO WITH DIRECT MAIL - Today Maryland Juice received a postcard from independent U.S. Senate candidate Rob Sobhani. In the new ad, Sobhani argues that "Montgomery County is the key to jump starting Maryland's Economy." This mail campaign comes at the same time that Sobhani is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on television advertising. Read Sobhani's appeal to MoCo voters below:
U.S. Senate Candidate Rob Sobhani's Montgomery County Direct Mail
U.S. SENATE AD #2: GOP CANDIDATE DAN BONGINO RELEASES SPANISH-LANGUAGE VIDEO AD - Yesterday, a Maryland Juice reader forwarded (via Twitter) the following new video ad from Republican candidate Dan Bongino. Notably, the ad is in Spanish and features Bongino's wife (who was born in Colombia). The ad also comes with the following text:
DEBATE UPDATE: SOBHANI CAN ATTEND IF THERE IS PUBLIC INTEREST - NBC News reports that Democrat Ben Cardin and Republican Dan Bongino are willing to invite independent Rob Sobhani to candidate debates, but only "if there is enough public interest." We previously reported that Sobhani felt he should be included after a new poll showed him tied with Bongino. Watch the news clip below:
The battle for U.S. Senate in Maryland is beginning to heat up, but new polls indicate the real fight appears to be for second place. Incumbent Democrat Ben Cardin is way ahead in the polls, but independent Rob Sobhani and Republican challenger Dan Bongino are currently tied for second.
Today Maryland Juice received campaign ads from both Rob Sobhani and Dan Bongino. You can see both ads below, along with an update on whether Rob Sobhani will be invited to debates with his GOP and Democratic competitors.
U.S. SENATE AD #1: ROB SOBHANI TARGETS MOCO WITH DIRECT MAIL - Today Maryland Juice received a postcard from independent U.S. Senate candidate Rob Sobhani. In the new ad, Sobhani argues that "Montgomery County is the key to jump starting Maryland's Economy." This mail campaign comes at the same time that Sobhani is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on television advertising. Read Sobhani's appeal to MoCo voters below:
U.S. SENATE AD #2: GOP CANDIDATE DAN BONGINO RELEASES SPANISH-LANGUAGE VIDEO AD - Yesterday, a Maryland Juice reader forwarded (via Twitter) the following new video ad from Republican candidate Dan Bongino. Notably, the ad is in Spanish and features Bongino's wife (who was born in Colombia). The ad also comes with the following text:
DAN BONGINO: Dan Bongino, candidato a senador de los Estados Unidos para Maryland presentó hoy un video donde aparece su esposa, Paula, una ciudadana Americana nacida en Cali,Colombia.
Dan y su esposa, Paula, forman parte de una nueva generación de republicanos en este ciclo de elecciones que creen apasionadamente que el futuro de los Estados Unidos se encuentra en el espíritu emprendedor y en la dedicación incansable para un futuro mejor.
"Paula es una madre y esposa afectuosa, y una orgullosa Americana", afirma Dan. "El juramento a nuestra bandera en la ceremonia de su ciudadanía fue uno de los días más importantes en nuestras vidas. Estamos construyendo campaña en todas las comunidades diversas de Maryland, para que los ciudadanos se den cuenta que un cambio verdadero y un futuro mejor están a la vuelta de la esquina".
Paula Bongino es una inmigrante de primera generación, que con su constante determinación y su árduo trabajo logró alcanzar el sueño Americano. Es una consultora de diseño de sitios web y propietaria de una pequeña empresa. Paula cria a sus dos hijas, Isabel y Amelia, en Severna Park.
DEBATE UPDATE: SOBHANI CAN ATTEND IF THERE IS PUBLIC INTEREST - NBC News reports that Democrat Ben Cardin and Republican Dan Bongino are willing to invite independent Rob Sobhani to candidate debates, but only "if there is enough public interest." We previously reported that Sobhani felt he should be included after a new poll showed him tied with Bongino. Watch the news clip below:
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