Maryland Juice is hearing reports of massive interest in early voting today -- the first day that voters can cast ballots for the 2012 federal elections and Maryland ballot questions. It is possible voters are trying to cast their ballots before Hurricane Sandy hits Maryland, but it is equally plausible that folks are fired up to weigh in on the ballot questions and Presidential race.
In fact Maryland Juice is very excited to vote early this year, and we encourage everyone to stay in line and make their voices heard. After all, as I recall, the early vote totals will be the first ballots counted on election night! Below you can see a few random reports from the field:
HUGE INTEREST IN DOWNTOWN SILVER SPRING: First, Capitol News Service has been on the ground today at the early voting polls at the Silver Spring Civic Center. Check out their Tweet below:
MASSIVE INTEREST IN GERMANTOWN: The report of high early vote turnout was also confirmed by Senator Ben Cardin on Twitter. The photo below was taken at the Germantown early vote location, and you can see that Democratic officials are out working the polls today. Comptroller Peter Franchot, CD6 candidate John Delaney and Senator Ben Cardin can be seen greeting voters. We hear Governor Martin O'Malley was also out at Germantown today and met hundreds of voters heading into the polls:
HIGH TURNOUT IN PRINCE GEORGE'S AND RANDALLSTOWN: A Maryland Juice source also emailed us while in line at the Rockville early vote center to report that turnout is looking strong as she gets ready to vote. But its not just Montgomery County locations that are witnessing high turnout. A knowledgeable source who has been in touch with officials around the state reports that in Frederick, voters were lined up two hours before the opening of polls. Yet another source reports the same early voting surge in Anne Arundel County. Meanwhile, one anonymous Prince George's politico reports high turnout in that County and therefore expects 2012 early vote turnout to blow the 2010 numbers out of the water. Lastly, a source reports that there was an extremely long queue of cars at the Randallstown polling location in Baltimore County.
NOTE: You must vote at one of the early vote centers in the County where you live and are registered to vote. Find your County's early voting locations:
In fact Maryland Juice is very excited to vote early this year, and we encourage everyone to stay in line and make their voices heard. After all, as I recall, the early vote totals will be the first ballots counted on election night! Below you can see a few random reports from the field:
HUGE INTEREST IN DOWNTOWN SILVER SPRING: First, Capitol News Service has been on the ground today at the early voting polls at the Silver Spring Civic Center. Check out their Tweet below:
MASSIVE INTEREST IN GERMANTOWN: The report of high early vote turnout was also confirmed by Senator Ben Cardin on Twitter. The photo below was taken at the Germantown early vote location, and you can see that Democratic officials are out working the polls today. Comptroller Peter Franchot, CD6 candidate John Delaney and Senator Ben Cardin can be seen greeting voters. We hear Governor Martin O'Malley was also out at Germantown today and met hundreds of voters heading into the polls:
HIGH TURNOUT IN PRINCE GEORGE'S AND RANDALLSTOWN: A Maryland Juice source also emailed us while in line at the Rockville early vote center to report that turnout is looking strong as she gets ready to vote. But its not just Montgomery County locations that are witnessing high turnout. A knowledgeable source who has been in touch with officials around the state reports that in Frederick, voters were lined up two hours before the opening of polls. Yet another source reports the same early voting surge in Anne Arundel County. Meanwhile, one anonymous Prince George's politico reports high turnout in that County and therefore expects 2012 early vote turnout to blow the 2010 numbers out of the water. Lastly, a source reports that there was an extremely long queue of cars at the Randallstown polling location in Baltimore County.
ANONYMOUS SOURCE: At the Randallstown early voting center this morning, there was an enormous line of cars stretching all the way through to the Home Depot. One person thought it was a funeral procession!Below you can find information on how to vote early. Don't sit this election out!
All Maryland voters can vote early:
Saturday, October 27 through Thursday, November 1.
Early Voting Hours:
10 am to 8 pm Monday through Saturday &
12 to 6 pm on Sunday, October 28.
NOTE: You must vote at one of the early vote centers in the County where you live and are registered to vote. Find your County's early voting locations:
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