Thursday, December 13, 2012

JuiceBlender: Herman Taylor vs. Rep. John Sarbanes, Acid on Sen. Bill Ferguson's Car, Doug Duncan Poked, GOP Gov 2014

Below, Maryland Juice highlights four images that may be of interest to politicos.

PHOTO JUICE #1: FORMER DEL. HERMAN TAYLOR VS. REP. JOHN SARBANES? - A Maryland Juice reader forwarded us an invitation to a fundraiser for former Delegate Herman Taylor. In 2010, Taylor left the Maryland House to run for Congress in a Democratic Primary against Rep. Donna Edwards. Taylor received 9% of the vote, but it looks like he may be thinking about running again. His invitation asks people to consider a contribution to his "campaign efforts" and the event is hosted by authority of "Herman Taylor for U.S. Congress." Note that it appears he has been redistricted into Rep. John Sarbanes' slice of Montgomery County. Interesting. See the screenshot below:

PHOTO JUICE #2: SEN. BILL FERGUSON'S CAR VANDALIZED WITH ACID AND HORSESHIT - The Baltimore Sun reported a couple days ago that State Senator Bill Ferguson's property was recently violated in a repugnant manner (excerpt below):
BALTIMORE SUN: State Sen. Bill Ferguson's car was vandalized overnight, and he said he suspects political enemies are to blame.... Ferguson said that in 2010, someone dumped food and horse manure on his car. This time, there was also manure on the hood of the car.... "The car, it's just stuff, but it really scared my wife, the notion that someone was standing on our property," Ferguson said in an interview....
Sen. Ferguson posted the following photos and message on his Facebook page:

PHOTO JUICE #3: MOCO REPUBLICAN MEYER MARKS FOR 2014 GOVERNOR? - A Maryland Juice reader tipped us off that a Montgomery County Republican Central Committee member was plotting a run for Governor in 2014. Indeed, a visit to Meyer Marks' website turned up a placeholder section called "For Governor 2014." Hmm. See the screenshot below:

PHOTO JUICE #4: MOCO COUNCILMEMBER GEORGE LEVENTHAL POKES DOUG DUNCAN ON FACEBOOK - Just jokes, right? A Maryland Juice reader forwarded us a Facebook post of George Leventhal poking at former three-term County Executive Doug Duncan on Facebook. Leventhal and Duncan are both plotting runs for County Executive in 2014. See the screenshot below:

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