Maryland Juice caught an interesting debate in last week's Essex Patch. Wendy Rosen, a candidate for the 1st Congressional District Democratic Primary, submitted the following photo to the Patch for an article:
Apparently, the photo was intended to convey frustration with GOP Rep. Andy Harris, but Patch readers had a range of reaction. Their article notes:
Apparently, the photo was intended to convey frustration with GOP Rep. Andy Harris, but Patch readers had a range of reaction. Their article notes:
The image issue for Rosen involves competing notions, according to Dr. Kimberly Moffitt, an American studies professor at the Univeristy of Maryland Baltimore County.Working in politics for too long can make you pretty cynical about what makes people tick. Did you know that having a dog in a photo is purported to boost a candidate's attractiveness in surveys? Hmm.
However, while voters may say they want change, Moffitt added, they still prefer the appearance of the establishment....
And being a woman may create more difficulties for Rosen regarding appearance in the political world, according to Moffitt.
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