Friday, January 6, 2012

GOP State Senator Nancy Jacobs to Challenge Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger // MD Democrats Provide Background

Yesterday numerous media outlets confirmed that Maryland State Senator Nancy Jacobs was challenging Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger in the 2nd Congressional District. Cheryl Mattix at Elkton, MD's Cecil Whig wrote:
State Sen. Nancy Jacobs, R-34 Cecil/Harford, on Thursday announced her candidacy for the 2nd District seat in Congress currently held by incumbent C.A. "Dutch" Ruppersberger, a Democrat and Baltimore County resident....

Over the past few months, Jacobs said she has been meeting with citizens and business owners across the district where she says the feedback has been "overwhelmingly positive."

"I'm convinced that voters are ready for a change," she said.

The Maryland Democrats responded with the following emailed press release:


ANNAPOLIS (January 5, 2012) - Today State Senator Nancy Jacobs becomes the latest opportunistic, out of ideas Maryland GOP lawmaker wishing to abandon permanent minority status in Annapolis by running for Congress. Jacobs announcement confirms that the leaderless Maryland Republican Party will continue to support far right, tea party candidates who put party ideology ahead of middle class families.

Nancy Jacobs has set her ambitions on higher office after 13 lackluster years in the State Senate and three failed terms in leadership, where she oversaw the Republican caucus dwindle to barely a dozen members. Jacobs tenure in Annapolis has showcased her radical devotion to extreme and divisive positions and unwillingness to come together. Jacobs has voted against unemployment benefits, a greenhouse gas reduction plan, a living wage, and balanced budgets.

If allowed to bring her failed obstructionist tendencies to Washington, Nancy Jacobs would actively contribute to the political dysfunction. Jacobs would join the GOP in voting against repairing our roads and bridges, keeping teachers, cops and firefighters in their jobs, giving middle class families a tax cut, and fulfilling our promise to veterans and seniors. That is the last thing Marylanders need.
Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger is a proven and effective advocate for Maryland families. Representative Ruppersberger and Maryland Congressional Democrats seek to bridge the partisan divide and consistently support common sense solutions to move our country forward.


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