Thursday, February 9, 2012

Either Senator Norm Stone Thinks His Constituents Have Too Much Sex With Animals Or He's a Jerk // #PRIMARYHISASS

This week, Maryland Juice reported on the shocking discovery that Democratic State Senator Norm Stone voted to BAN interracial marriage in 1967. It turns out that he's still as much of a jerk as he was back then. First, he's opposing marriage equality this year, but that's not all. His response to Governor Martin O'Malley's push for social justice this year was to introduce a bestiality bill!

Today, Mr. Stone apparently realized that his bill was juvenile and asshole-ish so he quietly dropped it. I call too little too late on him - 45 years too late. The Dundalk Patch reported on the news:
An anti-bestiality bill sponsored by Sen. Norman Stone has been withdrawn nearly a week after it was first introduced.

Stone, the longest currently serving state senator, said Thursday that he is withdrawing the bill, in part, "because of graphic language" in the bill....

Some of Stone's colleagues teased him with a threat to make him stand up and explain the bill if it came to a vote of the full Senate.

Maryland Juice is glad Mr. Stone's colleagues think this is a laughing matter, because I consider him a disgrace to the Democratic Party and the institution of the State Senate. He is a relic from a hateful part of America's past, and somehow the leadership of this State decided to keep him around -- AND give him committee chairmanships.

Democrats, it is time to take matters into our own hands. No more waiting for Superman. Will somebody #PRIMARYHISASS? I am collecting pledges of $1 from potential donors.

See the text of Mr. Stone's "legislation" below -- and believe me, this isn't the last you've heard from Maryland Juice about Norm Stone. I will begin an online experiment to see what a two-year digital filibuster looks like:

SB366 - Senator Norm Stone's Sex With Animals Bill

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