Thursday, September 6, 2012

VIDEO: Democratic Convention Speeches from Rep. Chris Van Hollen, Sen. Barbara Mikulski & Rep. Steny Hoyer // DNC LIVE

UPDATE: An Iowa newspaper The Des Moines Register has an interesting article today titled "O'Malley Makes Big Impression on Iowans." Indeed, the Maryland Governor's primetime speaking role Tuesday night is putting a spotlight on his 2016 White House ambitions. Roll Call blares "Martin O'Malley Prepares to Go National."

VIDEO REWIND: Last night Democratic Convention viewers watched speeches from no fewer than three Maryland politicos. Preceding President Bill Clinton in Charlotte, were remarks from Maryland's Sen. Barbara Mikulski and Representatives Steny Hoyer and Chris Van Hollen. We provide replays of their speeches below, along with a quick photo gallery from Maryland Juice's convention correspondent Jed Millard. Up next, Maryland Juice video interviews with Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown and HoCo Exec. Ken Ulman -- live from the DNC!

P.S. - Tonight Rep. Donna Edwards of Maryland is slated to speak before President Barack Obama takes the stage. Look for her sometime around 5:30 pm

REPLAY #1: Rep. Chris Van Hollen's Convention Speech 

REPLAY #2: Sen. Barbara Mikulski's Convention Speech

REPLAY #3: Rep. Steny Hoyer's Convention Speech


Maryland Juice correspondent Jed Millard in the DNC's media workspace

A look from above from inside the DNC convention arena
Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley takes the arena stage Tuesday night

Jed Millard w/ Rep. Barney Frank at the HRC reception for LGBT convention delegates

Jed Millard w/ Obama delegate Alexis Reed in the Maryland seating area

More #DNCJuice soon!

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