Tuesday, November 6, 2012

FINAL ENDORSEMENTS & BANTER: Garagiola Backs Delaney, Leggett's Wife Pushes Smondrowski, & 2014 Candidate Remarks

Today is election day in Maryland, and numerous politicos are sharing their final thoughts about the ballot question and candidate choices facing voters. Yesterday Maryland Juice explained our votes on a few of the controversial referenda, but today you can hear from a few additional voices. Below we highlight a few interesting endorsements (or non-endorsements), along with a great deal of banter from elected officials on social networks:

JUICE #1:  SEN. ROB GARAGIOLA ENDORSES JOHN DELANEY FOR CONGRESS - Maryland Juice was cruising Facebook this morning, and caught some interesting election banter from State Senator Rob Garagiola. After losing the 6th Congressional District Democratic nomination to John Delaney last April, Garagiola is now supporting his rival for the CD6 seat:

How I'm voting:

No on Question B (Montgomery County) - if it's not broke, what are we trying to fix?
Yes on Question 4 - all children in MD schools should be able to pursue a higher education to better themselves with in-state tuition;
Yes on Question 5 - see my last endorsement;
Yes on Question 6 - this is a civil rights issue - vote for equal rights under the law for marriage equality;
Yes on Question 7 - it matters less where the tax revenue is going (and it is going to schools) - it is about economic development and thousands of jobs in Maryland (instead of West VA);
Obama - handed two wars and worst economic crisis since great depression - I'd say he's done great job dealing with the hand he was dealt (compared to the last President who was handed budget surpluses and peace) - c'mon, this really is a no brainer - why go backwards - Obama is moving our country forward!
Finally - vote Delaney over Bartlett (remember reference to Question 5). There is too much at stake nationally. We need to win this seat. Delaney will far better serve Congressional District 6 than Bartlett. Vote Delaney!
Our Democracy is messy, but it is still the best in the world!

JUICE #2:  IKE LEGGETT'S WIFE ENDORSES REBECCA SMONDROWSKI FOR MOCO SCHOOL BOARD - A few MoCo politicos are taking note that County Executive Ike Leggett's wife Catherine Leggett is making a last-minute appeal for school board candidate Rebecca Smondrowski (see email blast below). Smondrowski faces Fred Evans for the District 2 Board of Education seat, and the two candidates have been dividing endorsements throughout this campaign.
From: catherine leggett <catherineleg@msn.com>
Date: 11/04/2012 08:54PM
Subject: Rebecca Smondrowski for the Board of Education, District 2

Dear Friend –

While our attention is naturally drawn to the presidential election on November 6, 2012, I want to take this opportunity to remind you of another important contest—the election of members for the Montgomery County Board of Education.  I am supporting Rebecca Smondrowski for the District 2 seat on the Board of Education, and I invite you to do so as well.
Rebecca is driven by an enduring passion and commitment to create conditions that effectively nurture the academic, social and security needs of every child. She brings over a decade of direct experience volunteering and working in partnership with school and central office administrators and PTAs. Rebecca also has served as an officer on the Montgomery County Council of PTAs (MCCPTA), and is the mother of a middle school and high school student.

Her ability to get things done and to work effectively across a diverse range of community interests and perspectives is broadened by her legislative experience working in Annapolis.  Rebecca has served as a legislative aide to State Senator Roger Manno and special assistant to both State Senator Jamie Raskin and State Delegate Jolene Ivey.  If elected, her experiences in our schools, our community, and our state government will be invaluable assets.

Rebecca understands that there is more to the Board of Education’s work than balancing the budget.  She gets that attending students’ learning needs must focus the Board’s planning.  And, that our communities’ interests must be considered in decisions.  I know that Rebecca is the candidate who will remain true to these principles in building on the successes of our school system to provide a complete, positive school experience for every student.

We are in the last week of this election season, and almost to the end of the campaign ads.  It’s now our turn to do our part.  It’s our turn to vote.

I am voting for Rebecca Smondrowski for the Board of Education, District 2—an independent voice for education on which we can count.
All the best,

Catherine S. Leggett

JUICE #3:  FINAL MESSAGES FROM 2014 GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATES - Maryland Juice thought it would be fun to jump onto Facebook and see the final thoughts from the five Democrats who are currently competing for the 2014 Governors race. See a sampling of some of their most recent Facebook election banter and links below:

Join me and vote for the Maryland DREAM Act--it's what's fair and what's right. Watch my ad below and click like if you agree.

Unbelievable. Folks, this is who our state's Democratic machine has chosen to join forces with this year. Hoping that all Marylanders who truly support progressive Democratic values will take a stand tomorrow against discrimination -- and deliver a powerful statement against machine politics -- by voting AGAINST Question 7.

The Big Day is here! Going out to support Marriage Equality, the Dream Act, Barack Obama, and John Delaney for Congress!

Back by popular demand on election eve -- your Maryland ballot questions video voter guide. Two minutes on why you should vote FOR Questions 4 and 6 and AGAINST Question 7. Polls open at 7am and close at 8pm on Tuesday. PLEASE VOTE and make your voice count!!

Let your voice be heard. Remember to VOTE today. Polls are open until 8 PM & you can find your polling location here: http://www.elections.state.md.us/voting/where.html

JUICE #4:  FINAL MESSAGES FROM MOCO COUNCILMEMBERS - Maryland Juice caught a number of interesting final remarks and exchanges from Montgomery County Councilmembers on Facebook. Check out a random smathering below:
A few people have asked where I am on the other ballot questions.
I'm voting YES on equality (how does one vote no on equality?) and the Dream Act. YES on these questions 4 and 6.
I'm voting NO on the absurd redistricting map, Question 5. I'm convinced that we could have gained an additional house seat without drawing a map that insults our intelligence. That map reflects a different agenda than picking up another House seat.
I'm voting NO on gambling, Question 7. I thought gambling was wrong the first time around. I do not believe this money will find it's way into the schools necessarily and agree with Franchot on this.
I'm voting FOR on Question A.
I'm voting FOR on Question B, the effects bargaining issue, for reasons I've stated several times on hear. It was not an easy vote to take because of the optics of what's going on around the country, but I felt the Union had abused the process and that the real issues they contend are at risk are actually protected under existing collective bargaining provisions, the same provisions that extend protections in these areas to other County Unions.
I'm voting For Questions 1,2,3.

And on the candidates for House, Senate and President - I'm voting BLUE.

I'm a little confused about why some of my fellow elected officials feel the need to share how they voted or will vote on issues...I thought your vote was supposed to be private?

I sent a similar snarky tweet to Craig's on Sunday after the fifth e-mail from a state delegate urging me to vote for President Obama, as if I wasn't already planning to do so (and actually had already done so - I voted early). I don't mind when people express their enthusiasm for candidates and causes on facebook, it's more of a running dialogue about whatever's on your mind. And I have had conversations in social media in favor of the President, for Question 6 and against Question 7. I just found so many e-mail blasts gratuitous so close to the election when surely all of the recipients already knew how they planned to vote. I will concede that endorsements for School Board are worth reading, since most recipients probably don't have a fully formed opinion about the candidates. It is also striking from a County Councilman's perspective that so many state legislators insist voters go along with their controversial decisions but are critical of the County Council's decisions.

Greeting voters in Silver Spring #votefor6 #votefor4 http://t.co/svzuTeDf

Yesterday Comptroller Peter Franchot and I spoke in White Oak against Question 7. Encouraging gambling = bad public policy.

Let's do this! Our country needs us today, our future is here!! Feel Proud, VOTE!!!!!

I'm feeling re energized after today's DREAM Act Pre-Election Day Rally! As Dreamer, Ricky Campos, reminded us -- Tomorrow, a Vote for Question 4 is a vote for our future Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists, Teachers. A more affordable college education will lead to a better future for Maryland and across the nation.

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