Tuesday, September 27, 2011

MEASURING CONTEST: MD Endorsers for Rick Perry & Mitt Romney // Dems Say: "None of the Above"

Earlier today, we reported on Texas Governor Rick Perry's visit to Baltimore, Maryland, and the attacks he attracted from both the Democratic Party and rival candidate Mitt Romney. Maryland Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown led the assault on Perry today, noting Texas' 47th in the nation ranking for median household income: "Texans are working just as hard, but getting less." But Romney had earlier released a web video attacking Perry by comparing him to Governor O'Malley. Democratic officials responded that Romney and Perry are just "the same." Below we highlight the new measuring contest emerging between Perry and Romney.

Indeed, it is great fun watching the GOP Presidential candidates re-play Lord of the Flies, as they savage each other to win the speaking-conch. On September 8th, Mitt Romney released a list of 25 prominent Maryland Republicans, but today Rick Perry responded with an even larger list of 40 Maryland endorsers. Now, this is not an apples-to-apples comparison, but since when has fuzzy logic stopped the Republican Party? See the Romney and Perry MD endorsement lists below.

Note that the Maryland GOP bench has 43 Delegates and 12 Senators. The lists below represent only 14 Delegates and 4 Senators. Perhaps the remaining GOP members are also waiting for someone NOT crazy to run for their nomination? In a future post, we will reveal comments from Montgomery's Democratic lawmakers on these dueling lists:

Mitt Romney's Maryland Endorsers
  1. State Senator Richard Colburn
  2. State Senator Joe Getty
  3. State Senator Allan Kittleman
  4. Delegate Kathryn Afzali
  5. Delegate John Cluster
  6. Delegate Addie Eckardt
  7. Delegate Donald Elliott
  8. Delegate Michael Hough
  9. Delegate Nic Kipke
  10. Delegate Steven Schuh
  11. Former United States Ambassador to New Zealand Robert Goodwin
  12. National Committeeman Louis Pope
  13. National Committeewoman Joyce Terhes
  14. 2010 Republican Candidate for Lieutenant Governor and Former Secretary of State Mary Kane
  15. Former Maryland Republican Party Chairman John Kane
  16. Former Maryland Republican Party Chairman Audrey Scott
  17. Former Maryland Republican Party First Vice Chair Chris Cavey 
  18. Former Maryland Republican Party First Vice Chair Chuck Gast
  19. Maryland Republican Party Treasurer Christopher Rosenthal
  20. Garrett County Republican Party Chairman Brenda Butcsher
  21. Howard County Republican Party Chairman Loretta Shields
  22. Montgomery County Republican Party Chairman Mark Uncapher
  23. Frederick County Councilman Paul Smith
  24. Howard County Councilman Greg Fox
  25. State Central Committee Member – St. Mary’s County Mary Russell
Rick Perry's Maryland Endorsers
  1. State Senator Chris Shank
  2. State Delegate Wendell Beitzel
  3. State Delegate Gail Bates
  4. State Delegate Kathy Szeliga
  5. State Delegate Nancy Stocksdale
  6. State Delegate Kelly Schulz
  7. State Delegate Justin Ready
  8. State Delegate Steve Hershey
  9. Finance Chairman Dick Hug, Bob Ehrlich for Governor, 2002 -2010
  10. County Councilman Jerry Walker, Anne Arundel County
  11. Commissioner Evan Slaughenhoupt, Calvert County
  12. Commissioner Haven Shoemaker, Jr., Carroll County
  13. Commissioner Doug Howard, Carroll County
  14. Commissioner Blaine Young, Frederick County
  15. Former Councilman Mike Christman, City of Annapolis
  16. Former Commissioner Eric Wargotz, Queen Anne’s County
  17. 2nd Vice President Patt Parker, National Federation of Republican Women
  18. 1st Vice Chair Diana Waterman, Maryland State GOP
  19. Former General Counsel Dirk Haire, Maryland State GOP
  20. 2nd Vice President Sylvia Darrow, Maryland Federation of Republican Women
  21. 3rd Vice President Catie Ravenscroft James, Maryland Federation of Republican Women
  22. National Committeeman Trae Lewis, Maryland Young Republicans
  23. Legal Counsel Jason Rheinstein, Maryland Young Republicans
  24. Central Committee Member Flora Betro, Howard County
  25. Central Committee Member Lisa Griffith, Allegany County
  26. Central Committee Member Debbie Belcher, Anne Arundel County
  27. Central Committee Member Jeanette Radford, Montgomery County
  28. Central Committee Member Dwight Patel, Montgomery County
  29. Central Committee Member Rachel Audi, Prince George’s County
  30. Central Committee Member Alan Rzepkowski, Anne Arundel County
  31. Central Committee Member Sastry Dhara, Montgomery County
  32. Central Committee Member John Milden, Montgomery County
  33. Central Committee Member Joe Collins, Jr., Baltimore City
  34. Central Committee Member Gary Collins, Baltimore City
  35. Former Central Committee Member Doug Burkhardt, City of Annapolis
  36. Former Central Committee Member Brandon Wright, City of Annapolis
  37. Former Central Committee Member Ruth Umbel, Garrett County
  38. Former Central Committee Member April Rose, Carroll County
  39. Board Member Michelle Corkadel, West Anne Arundel County Republican Club
  40. Former President Diane Nash Dillon, Chevy Chase Women’s Republican Club

1 comment:

  1. Perry's list should be amended as follows:

    41. Some guy who said he was a Republican who we met at the mall
